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Education between the past and present

  The fundamental mistake of education is that it promotes individuality. Yet the individual sense of existence needs to disappear for one to have access to true, timeless knowledge. When identification with our individual existence is dropped, it is realised that real knowledge is none other than universal existence which acts and unfolds knowledge, as necessary. Thus, there cannot be true knowledge if one continues to regard himself as a separate, individual entity or expects others to share knowledge acquired under any singular identity. The big problem also is that morality is subjective. What I would call moral necessity, conservatives would call socialism. I don’t think it is moral to allow people to use vast wealth to manipulate, mislead and control electors. The U.S. Supreme Court says money and guns have freedom of speech so elected representatives listen to the money get the money to remain elected or have the money spent for their opponent and attacks on them. Imagine a clas

The Philosopher Deadly Truth

 The most important lesson you will ever learn from studying philosophy is that you live in a lie, you live in a cave where the lie is holy. The cave is associated with living in society, and a society, in order to be peaceful, needs to cultivate lies, or fundamental falsehoods. Ultimately, peace is achieved through lie, whilst truth gives birth to war, just because the lie is taken as truth, and defended violently. All states, all countries and cities are build on these fundamental lies. It is the lie, not the truth, that brings people together, building societies. Awakening to this fact of the lie, to a cavernous existence, is the destiny of the philosopher. The philosopher is the first to discover this fact of the human condition: that of being shackled in the cave.  And this is why the philosopher becomes an enemy to the society he lives in. In the Gorgias, Socrates says that he, and only he, is involved in true politics. That's because he only says the truth, the deadly truth,


  “In my short time on this planet, I have known great sorrow, plunged into the depths of oceanic despair, been thrown so deeply into my loneliness that I thought I would never return. I have tasted the ecstatic joys of meditation, the fierce intimacy of love, the savage pains of heartbreak, the excitement of unexpected success and the blows of sudden failure. There were times when I thought I’d never make it, times when my dreams had been shattered so thoroughly I couldn’t imagine how life could ever go on. Yet it went on, and sometimes I found humility within the devastation, and out of the ashes of imagined futures often grew new and present joys, and no experience was ever wasted. I have come to trust life completely, trust even the times when I forget how to trust at all, trust that life doesn’t always go according to plan, because there is no plan, only life, and even the times of great uncertainty hold supreme intelligence, and sometimes you have to fall to stand more fearlessly

Rise up

  We should keep fighting for our aims.  We will surely fall and rise up multiple times, but the focal point is that we must not give up.  You have survived everything you have been through, and you will survive this too. Stay for the person you will become. You are more than a bad day, or week, or month, or year, or even a decade. You are a future of multifarious possibility. You are another self at a point in future time looking back in gratitude that this lost and former you held on. Stay. ~Matt Haig  (Book: The Comfort Book)


 *******     I live in a room that doesn't exceed more than 3 metres. It is always obscure and even the lump light is almost dark and turns off by force. The room architecture is so messy . You feel like it was a very small garden with no views was turned into a room and exploited as a renting. It has a small window on the top right wall that has a view on the corridor, and the corridor has the kitchen which also has another tiny window almost in the ceiling and another in the shower that  doesn't  exceed two metres. You can truly feel suffocating imprisonment where you can only sleep In dark, day and night, and you can't see the sun only once you step out to the street. All of this could be handled anyhow. But, in summer we suffer greatly from all types of insects and reptiles where you feel like into a four months war with such monsters, add to to the heat that burns our brains out and boils our blood from within. But the most shocking part is that this cell  costs two h

Million way

  One Million Ways. There are one million ways to change the world. Build a sanctuary for broken things. Or people. Or creatures that fly. Or slither. Or swim. Or crawl. Be a safe place. A sounding board. A listening ear. A shoulder to cry on. Show them all the gold that is gleaming through their cracks. Then let them see your own slivers too. Take the stars and bundle them up into your pockets, so that on those days where they need it the most, you can pull them out like patio lanterns and light up the sky. Fireworks. Firesides. Fireflies. Be music to those who have never heard words that sound like galaxies awakening ... Like souls quaking. Like love breaking every barrier. Every definition. And every possibility.   Above all, if you really want to change the world, be willing to look inside the deepest chambers of your own, small heart. That is, after all, where the wonder begins.


  I had a bouquet of purple roses on my table, and day after day I enjoyed them, smiling when I would see them. They brought me joy. All but one finally died, so I put it in a small vase to keep it going. I placed it on my windowsill and every time I looked at it, I felt a bit of sweet sadness… It made me think of how much I am missing people that have died. After about a week, the rose dried up, but kept its shape and even its color. It stayed beautiful despite it all. So, I took it out of the vase and put it on my “shelf of special things” so I could continue to look at it. It does not remind me of death, decay, or negativity… in fact, just the opposite, it reminds me of strength, resilience, and beauty.  We may ache inside, we may struggle, there might be days where we do not have the strength to do anything… But… we can get through it, we are stronger than we give ourselves credit… And WOW! So resilient, right??? We still really, really miss them… but even though there is sadness,


 Motherhood is filled with contradictions. It causes us constant guilt, while bringing us infinite joy.  It is filled with uncertainty and fear, while also showing us a strength and courage that we didn’t know existed.  Kids will push our buttons and test our patience more than anyone else, but we would walk through fire for them without a moment’s hesitation. We feel overwhelmed and crave time to ourselves, but we feel sad and like a part of us is missing when they aren’t around. It is the hardest thing we'll ever do, but loving our kids is the easiest thing we'll ever do. Motherhood is filled with contradictions. We grieve the prior versions of our kids, but also love and cherish who our kids are in the present. It is the greatest responsibility of our lives, while also being the greatest privilege. We teach and guide our kids, but our kids are our greatest teachers of all. It robs us of our identity, while molding us into a better version of ourselves. It is filled with mess

Toxic forgiveness

  *******Toxic forgiveness is an unhealthy way that people pretend to be unharmed, over it, or forgetful of the offense. Forgiving to keep the peace or people-pleasing is not healthy for your mental health or your relationships. Take time to process your pain, slowly rebuild trust, and decide if you need to show up differently in the relationship. Forgiving and forgetting is not a realistic approach to moving forward. Remember, it's okay that you're not over things that hurt you, and you don't need to pretend.


  The Rain. I love the rain the most when it falls. It reminds me so deeply of letting go. Of releasing everything that I have absorbed over the years. Carried in my heart just a little too long. All those things that have accumulated in the clouds of my soul. Taking up space. Welling up. And weighing me down. Waiting for the perfect, "I can do this" moment. Only to learn that there is never really a wrong time when it comes to freeing myself from the burdens. Even if I must be drenched in overcoming. Just look at the grasses after a storm. They know. I love the rain the most when it falls.

Fteta adventures



***   Learning to know about others in terms of their wellbeing is a framework for valuing them as fellow creatures that were are.  *******  Learning to know about them only in terms of their productivity is a receipt for class welfare.  Our values are exhibited through empathy, generosity and altruism, the very moment we begin to flunk in our efforts to spur these attributes, a perverted  lifestyle full of cynicism and misanthropy is bound to take it place.  Hence, we need to be too selective  while chosing those to be integrated  into our private circle of acquaintance, for the choices we make determine our ability to boldly face what the next chapter of life has in store for us.


  **** in someone's life, if once you felt unvalued, uncared for: just stop asking for that, because you will never get. You will simply be abandoned  and in so many cases replaced. You will always be looked at as the sinful monk and the wronged Pop. For, you have never been a priority for no one . Their priorities are: sleeping, friends and sitting in a coffee. In fact, this is their random usual life and you're just an inferior that served as a close lover for sometimes. Hence, as time goes on: things will fade away slowly , everything will fade away. There would be no more than continous squirrels and arguments, fights and tears, nothing more. Then, you'll recognise that beauty rests only in the beginning of all stories and very rare we find it in the ends. You'll know why most films and series have sad endings, because they're true and inspired from real life. The life that you once said that you'll never belittling, but sadly you did severely and ummerciful

The Prophet

  Your children are not your children.  They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.  They come through you but not from you,  And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.  You may give them your love but not your thoughts,  For they have their own thoughts.  You may house their bodies but not their souls,  For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.  You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.  For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.  You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.  The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.  Let your bending in the archer’s hand be for gladness;  For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable.”  ~Khalil Gibran (Book: The Prophet) 


  One must say Yes to life and embrace it whenever it is found — and it is found in terrible places; nevertheless, there it is. For nothing is fixed, forever and forever and forever, it is not fixed; the earth is always shifting, the light is always changing, the sea does not cease to grind down rock. Generations do not cease to be born, and we are responsible to them because we are the only witnesses they have. The sea rises, the light fails, lovers cling to each other, and children cling to us. The moment we cease to hold each other, the moment we break faith with one another, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out. ~James Baldwin  (Book: The Price of the Ticket

Free will

  When the concept of 'free will' is seen and analyzed as it actually is – as two separate words or concepts, rather than the one-word concept it has always been mistaken to be – it becomes a logical absurdity. When the word 'free' is used as an adjective to describe or modify the noun 'will', the result is logical and rational nonsense. Saying that "will is free" is as preposterous as saying that "drive, desire and motivation are free," "smell is fast," "color is evil," or "love is immobile"   WILL, DRIVE, DESIRE and MOTIVATION (WDDM), or 'wanting' share the same meaning (Check dictionary) 'Choosing' and 'deciding' are determined by the strength and intensity  to experience PLEASURE. Therefore, 'choosing' and 'deciding' are not 'freely willed': they are solely determined by – not free of, or free from – your WDDM to experience PLEASURE. It is not WDDM that is free

Me , my life

 “I love my past. I love my present. I’m not ashamed of what I’ve had, and I’m not sad because I have it no longer.” Colette - Chéri, 1920.  Frank Taylor Lockwood - The Scullery, 15 Dalston Road, Acocks Green, Birmingham,  1944.  

A night without you

 A night without you The moon fades from the sky To soaked night in darkness Whole world is as silence as a grave A night without you, Unrest eyes in search of a sky For the brightest stars to unveil you From the point of your hidden place  A night without you I slept lonely  Awaiting your arrival impatiently  As my heart gone mad  A night without you, Dawn runs away  To long the distance of the night Archaic mind whispers In the tone of sympathy May be it can be rescued from its bleeding pain

The Sparrow

              .Don't remember all of it, well. But it surely happened somewhere into my mind. It was a very clear day, when the sun has already reached the middle of the universe. And I  have just woken up. That night was exactly like a coma for someone who has been savagely exhausted by the shadows and chaos of life. The day has already worn his gown , ants gathered their day-goods and the squeakies have left the fields. The phone rung for so long but I didn't want to answer. For, I haven't been used to be called for a clear reason. All the coming calls  were murmurs and chirrups of morning birds.  I wore my daily black  shoes,  jacket 🧥  and blue blouse 👚.   On my neck I put on my sky-color scarf 🧣 that I have been gifted from my mother. Lazily, I drank my black obscured coffee and left the door to search for a job as usual for almost a year. The phone rung again repeatedly and I started feel curious so I answered. :" good morning, ? -:" hi,  let's say go

The Unnamable

         .  I'm all these words, all these strangers, this dust of words, with no ground for their settling, no sky for their dispersing, coming together to say, fleeing one another to say, that I am they, all of them, those that merge, those that part, those that never meet, and nothing else, yes, something else, that I'm something quite different, a quite different thing, a wordless thing in an empty place, a hard shut dry cold black place, where nothing stirs, nothing speaks, and that I listen, and that I seek, like a caged beast born of caged beasts born of caged beasts born of caged beasts born in a cage and dead in a cage, born and then dead, born in a cage and then dead in a cage, in a word like a beast, in one of their words, like such a beast, and that I seek, like such a beast, with my little strength, such a beast, with nothing of its species left but fear and fury, no, the fury is past, nothing but fear, nothing of all its due but fear centupled, fear of its shadow,


"In the parent-child interaction is established the child's sense of the world: whether this is a world of love and acceptance, a world of neglectful indifference in which one must root and scratch to have one's needs satisfied or, worse, a world of hostility where one must forever maintain an anxious hypervigilance. Future relationships will have as their templates nerve circuits laid down in our relationships with our earliest caregivers. We will understand ourselves as we have felt understood, love ourselves as we perceived being loved on the deepest unconscious levels, care for ourselves with as much compassion as, at our core, we perceived as young children. For the satisfaction of attachment needs in human beings, more than physical proximity and touching is required. Equally essential is a nourishing emotional connection, in particular the quality of attunement. Attunement, a process in which the parent is "tuned in" to the child's emotional needs, is

The Prophet by Khalil Gibran

 "..Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts, For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday. You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth. The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far. Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness; For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable..." - 'The Prophet' by Kahlil Gibran.

A bottle of Milk, pub-8811733768863927, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0   **** Walking down the hill , Carrying a bottle of milk that was hunged to a stick and  placed on my right shoulder. I was wondering like  a cloud in the universe, thinking of what my life would have been   if I was a rich man. Suddenly, I came across a large tree , that was ultimately larger than life, and unconsciously started to shake , because I have heard alot of different stories about a crime happened there, at that spot. Hence, I paced the clouds running away of nothing  and Suddenly I heard a very loud voice seemed exactly like an explosion of a bomb or a hunting gun shot 😳. Then I felt terribly frightened and  started to crawl instead of spending forward.  Things started to get even worse when I felt cold liquid making its way onto my shoulders and my back, at that time I felt like I'm into death's door. I can't remember very well how I made it home peacefully, but I did fortunately. When I reached home

A Slap, pub-8811733768863927, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0   ****** he was walking down the hill, spreading smiles and laughs: heading home with some of his folks,  entered the gate and took a quick gaze  at his mother who was milking the cows as usual. He smiled at her and asked if she still struggling with the cows while milking. Then, he took an iron wire and went to Strow place where, everything ended. Where he saw the last light of life slaughtering himself by the wire until death.  Out of shock his grand father was  enable to move a finger, he was just watching him slowly dying while  the saliva was flooding; making its way out on his face and chest. As it was retold by my cousin: the story was that the boy got slapped by the teacher in classroom and all his classmates laughed hard at him. That is why, he might feel offended and downcast and decided to end up his life on this way. His poor mother, was the most affected among all. Fortunately, after a short while from this devas

Real Grave, pub-8811733768863927, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 This is a real story happened in our village.  ... ***** I was too young at that time , but I remember very well every single detail of the incident.  ***** There was a family who moved to our village  from a far  and their daughter Jasmine quickly became  a very close friend to my sister Emma; maybe because  they had been classmates.  She was a fair skin girl with a very beautiful face and smile. She might owned the  world' kindness in her green eyes. She was always smiling  and cheerful. Additionally, she kept telling enjoying yet funny jokes, and my siblings and I liked  her for this humouristic temper.  She was almost 17 or 18 years old at that time and for us ( my sisters and I) she seemed quite old. Just a  year before, tragically, her life turned upside-down. She was in love with a guy and as she  told my sister that they  were meeting secretly because back at that period such relationships were not allowed at all. I

Nutritional Immunology, pub-8811733768863927, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0   Nutritional immunity is a process by which a host organism sequesters trace minerals in an effort to limit pathogenicity during infection . Circulating concentrations of minerals, such as iron and zinc, decline rapidly and dramatically with the inflammation associated with infection  Diseases Nutrition Can Help Prevent • Cardiovascular disease. According to The Heart Foundation, cardiovascular disease claims more lives than all forms of cancer combined. ... • Cancer. Certain types of cancer can be prevented with the proper diet. ... • Osteoporosis. ... • Obesity. ... • Diabetes. .

Infectious Diseases

  ...   Infectious illnesses are disorders originated by different organisms mainly : bacteria, hazardous viruses or parasites. Most of these creatures live in and on our bodies, specially above the skin.  They're normally harmless or even helpful. But under certain conditions, some organisms may result in developing dangerous diseases. Infectious disease Infectious illnesses are disorders originated by different organisms mainly : bacteria, hazardous viruses or parasites. Most of these creatures live in and on our bodies, specially above the skin.  They're normally harmless or even helpful. But under certain conditions, some organisms may result in developing dangerous diseases. ==》●Common infectious illnesses are specifically: _==》●Chicken-pox.《 is  a highly contagious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV) . It can cause an itchy, blister-like rash. The rash first appears on the chest, back, and face, and then spreads over the entire body, causing between 250


 ***  Abortion Is mainly the process or procedure to end a  pregnancy and it is also known as the act of terminating a pregnancy for several reasons. It can only be carried out by professional doctors in hospitals or clinics. In Muslim countries However, this process is almost banned and prohibited  because it literally goes against the wills of the creator unless ,  the aborted  is obliged under various conditions relating to the fetus. Lately, In various european countries and others such as England and Wales abortion occurs only before 24 weeks of pregnancy. However', it can also be carried out after 24 weeks in very limited circumstances. 

Violence At School

  <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script>  *****  Violence has never been a functional tool to solve conflicts. Whatsoever, starts with violence ends with devastating results.  Therefore, this well spreading phenomenon should really be taken seriously, because  generations after others are walking on the same path over years, specially at schools. For, violent actions have started to be extremely  repetitive and there is a terrible silence on the part of the members in charge. For example, because of bullying,  numerous students around the world leave school yearly, and even attempt suicide and put an end to their lives due to these rude irresponsible behaviours. Further, according to The National Center for Educational Statistics in 2019  o ne out of every five (20.2%) students report being bullied. In addition, relaying on the same source a


​ ****** in a room that does not exceed four  meters. Lived a man his grieved days, and obscured nights, all alone. The world outside sheers up high but once the  door is shut,  various illnesses come  across: the sickness of isolation and depression. None  dares to handle or feel the levels of  suffocation down here. Where, even the window Overlooks the corridor.  

Junk food

​ ********  Junk food is particularly a type of meals that have less nutritious garments and contains big amounts of sugar, bad fat and salt : which  gradually damage the human immune system. In this regard, one can refer to high level proteins' food that is mainly based on large amounts of meat. For example, the ones cooked with too many bad fat and oil: such as hamburger, fried chicken and ships. Additionally, soft drinks can also represent another type of junk food. For, it not only contains high levels of sugar but it has fizzy gases that can seriously harm the kidney. For, it takes a lot of time to filter soft drinks and alcohol. This explains why there are alot of people nowadays suffering from renal failure. 

A Life Like No Other

                       A glacial morning in the jungle, a muffled voice debuted from a far. I walked out of my little tent to check out what was going on. I saw a little shape resembles as a deer coming across me as if it was absconding something. It, suddenly, was followed by foot strokes shook the ground under my weight. Then in a wink of an eye a huge herd of deer’s came out in between the white pine trees creating a snow raining storm by their cracking haste. I pushed my frozen body out of the tent in hope to   enjoy this wild tableau that I   spent my whole life dreaming to see and now here I’m too close to as if the fate wanted to surprise me. The herd left far far away across the east, and the only thing came into my mind, that it was no more than its migration season in search for a better place. However, things were different; the shacking of the earth under my feet had not stopped but it gone even worse and closer every single second. I bowed to collect my things in a hurry

The Future Simple

​ ​ We use the future in order to indicate a coming event or action . ==》 uses ******** If we want to express an action that we are  surely  it is going to happen anyway  or so close from the time of speaking . We can use  : 1)  the present continues with future intentions Example: _ I'm travelling with Sarah tomorrow. _ eating lunch at work _ she's calling me after school. 2) to be ( in the present ) + going to + bare infinitive . Example: _ I'm going to visit my parents this week. _ she is going to meet us in the university. _ they are going to celebrate  Ester. ******  If we want to predict or plan something  in the future that we are not too sure that it will happen , then we just need to   use  :  will + bare infinitive Example: _ I will call the police.  _  she will clean the barn don't worry. _ look at the clouds , will rain soon . ===》 forms 1) Affirmative Subject + going to + bare infinitive _ I'm going to sleep now. _ she is going to travel abroad . Subjec