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The Future Simple

We use the future in order to indicate a coming event or action .

==》 uses

******** If we want to express an action that we are  surely  it is going to happen anyway  or so close from the time of speaking.

We can use :

1) the present continues with future intentions


_ I'm travelling with Sarah tomorrow.
_ eating lunch at work
_ she's calling me after school.

2) to be ( in the present ) + going to + bare infinitive.


_ I'm going to visit my parents this week.
_ she is going to meet us in the university.
_ they are going to celebrate  Ester.

****** If we want to predict or plan something  in the future that we are not too sure that it will happen , then we just need to use :

 will + bare infinitive


_ I will call the police. 
_  she will clean the barn don't worry.
_ look at the clouds , will rain soon .

===》 forms

1) Affirmative

Subject + going to + bare infinitive

_ I'm going to sleep now.
_ she is going to travel abroad .

Subject + will / 'll + bare infinitive


_ I will call you later.
_ she will wear her new dress.
_ they will celebrate Ester.

2 ) negative form

Subject + to-be ( present ) + not + going to + bare infinitive.

_ I'm not going anywhere , don't worry.
_ he's not going to come .
_ they are not going to leave.

Subject +will not / won't + bare infinitive


_ I won't go there anymore. 
_ she will not give us the document.
_ they won't leave us alone .

3) Interrogative form

To be ( present ) + subject + going to + bare infinitive:

_ is she going to travel tomorrow.
_ are you going to leave ?

Will + subject +bare infinitive

_ will you marry me?
_ will she give us a call?

====》 indicators:

_Next { week , month , year , week , day ....)
_The coming { week, holiday,  summer,  year...}
( two days ) after 


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