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The Sparrow


    .Don't remember all of it, well. But it surely happened somewhere into my mind. It was a very clear day, when the sun has already reached the middle of the universe. And I  have just woken up. That night was exactly like a coma for someone who has been savagely exhausted by the shadows and chaos of life. The day has already worn his gown , ants gathered their day-goods and the squeakies have left the fields. The phone rung for so long but I didn't want to answer. For, I haven't been used to be called for a clear reason. All the coming calls  were murmurs and chirrups of morning birds. 

I wore my daily black  shoes,  jacket 🧥  and blue blouse 👚.   On my neck I put on my sky-color scarf 🧣 that I have been gifted from my mother. Lazily, I drank my black obscured coffee and left the door to search for a job as usual for almost a year. The phone rung again repeatedly and I started feel curious so I answered.

:" good morning, ?

-:" hi,  let's say good evening, 

:"  everyone can call it depending upon his sleeping schedule, so sir how can I help you. 

:" well a nice shot, let's go straight to the point. Mr Marphy Johnson, we clearly, as you already know, borrowed you some money and therefore we want them back as soon  as possible. 

:" as far as I'm concerned, you already know the whole story of this person and the struggles he lives so far. Hence, if there would be any somes of pennies , they would surely go straightforward to your generous hands Sir. 

:"let me conclude it for you though, no paying back? 

:" I apologise, but what you have just heard is all the truth. 

- the phone hunged off. And somehow that was a relief, for I hate being owned by whoever owe me even a favour. I spent my day as it is always used to be. For, I really don't know where the unfixed cord.  Then I walked slowly home, desperately ill of the world and all the people around whom I feel weired and in very complex relationships with each other. A relationship that is governed by hate envey but covered with love and all the morals that are seen exactly like the plastic flowers on a chocolate cake.

When I  placed my fingers on the door  handle and opened it, I felt the gun shot making its way into my precious brain. I didn't know whether to be happy for I will leave this severe world and  get an eternal rest, or be upset because I was not ready enough to meet my creator.


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