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 Motherhood is filled with contradictions.

It causes us constant guilt, while bringing us infinite joy. 

It is filled with uncertainty and fear, while also showing us a strength and courage that we didn’t know existed. 

Kids will push our buttons and test our patience more than anyone else, but we would walk through fire for them without a moment’s hesitation.

We feel overwhelmed and crave time to ourselves, but we feel sad and like a part of us is missing when they aren’t around.

It is the hardest thing we'll ever do, but loving our kids is the easiest thing we'll ever do.

Motherhood is filled with contradictions.

We grieve the prior versions of our kids, but also love and cherish who our kids are in the present.

It is the greatest responsibility of our lives, while also being the greatest privilege.

We teach and guide our kids, but our kids are our greatest teachers of all.

It robs us of our identity, while molding us into a better version of ourselves.

It is filled with messiness, chaos, and unpredictability, as well as tenderness, love, and beauty.

Motherhood is filled with contradictions.

It will bring us our highest highs and our lowest lows.

Motherhood is filled with contradictions.

But the love…

A mother's love.

That love is constant.


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