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Million way


One Million Ways.

There are one million ways to change the world.

Build a sanctuary for broken things.

Or people.

Or creatures that fly.

Or slither.

Or swim.

Or crawl.

Be a safe place.

A sounding board.

A listening ear.

A shoulder to cry on.

Show them all the gold that is gleaming through their cracks.

Then let them see your own slivers too.

Take the stars and bundle them up into your pockets,

so that on those days where they need it the most,

you can pull them out like patio lanterns and light up the sky.




Be music to those who have never heard words that sound like galaxies awakening ...

Like souls quaking.

Like love breaking every barrier.

Every definition.

And every possibility.


Above all,

if you really want to change the world,

be willing to look inside the deepest chambers of your own,

small heart.

That is,

after all,

where the wonder begins.


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