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Education between the past and present


The fundamental mistake of education is that it promotes individuality. Yet the individual sense of existence needs to disappear for one to have access to true, timeless knowledge. When identification with our individual existence is dropped, it is realised that real knowledge is none other than universal existence which acts and unfolds knowledge, as necessary.

Thus, there cannot be true knowledge if one continues to regard himself as a separate, individual entity or expects others to share knowledge acquired under any singular identity.

The big problem also is that morality is subjective. What I would call moral necessity, conservatives would call socialism. I don’t think it is moral to allow people to use vast wealth to manipulate, mislead and control electors. The U.S. Supreme Court says money and guns have freedom of speech so elected representatives listen to the money get the money to remain elected or have the money spent for their opponent and attacks on them.

Imagine a classroom where a teacher would be allowed to warn students against the double digit annual interest rates charged by finance, credit card companies and banks on overdue accounts or balances. 

When truth has been demonized by constant charges of fake news and alternative facts, how could schools find a truth accepted by both sides of a hopelessly divided populace?

Therefore, higher education has become nothing more than targeted income. We have told people for years they had to get a degree. Well most everyone goes to college. Now we are being told that a Bachelors degree is not good enough you have to get a Masters and those who have invested in that are told they must achieve their doctorate. Students are nothing more than a revenue stream. The goal of higher education in this country is to keep you in the system as long as possible and then milk you for the rest of your life with student debt.


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