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Free will


When the concept of 'free will' is seen and analyzed as it actually is – as two separate words or concepts, rather than the one-word concept it has always been mistaken to be – it becomes a logical absurdity. When the word 'free' is used as an adjective to describe or modify the noun 'will', the result is logical and rational nonsense. Saying that "will is free" is as preposterous as saying that "drive, desire and motivation are free," "smell is fast," "color is evil," or "love is immobile"  

WILL, DRIVE, DESIRE and MOTIVATION (WDDM), or 'wanting' share the same meaning (Check dictionary)

'Choosing' and 'deciding' are determined by the strength and intensity  to experience PLEASURE. Therefore, 'choosing' and 'deciding' are not 'freely willed': they are solely determined by – not free of, or free from – your WDDM to experience PLEASURE. It is not WDDM that is free or unfree: It is the PHYSICAL MOVEMENT caused and compelled by WDDM that is free or unfree. As puppets or marionettes are compelled (or 'willed') to MOVE by strings attached to their limbs, humans are INSTINCTUALLY compelled to MOVE by WDDM. Humans are – as are all Living Things – 'pleasure puppets' in the Puppet Show of Life; 'actors' or 'characters' in the Movie of Life 

The 'choices you make' are solely determined and controlled by DRIVES, DESIRES and MOTIVATIONS over which you have no control... like digital information determines and controls the movements of the images in a movie 

Human MOVEMENT (as is the physical MOVEMENT of all Living Things) is fully determined and controlled by a 'spiritual force' that the human brain cannot directly perceive or know (like a nose cannot perceive or 'know' sound; or an ear cannot perceive or 'know' smell). What can be perceived and known, however, is that whenever you intentionally act (physically MOVE) in a specific way, it is the result of WDDM of which you are not 'free to choose' to create, eliminate, or alter the strength and intensity. When your WDDM to do something becomes strong and intense enough (via INSTINCT), you will be compelled, or 'forced', to physically MOVE to 'satisfy' that WDDM


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