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Opt out

Opt out. Yes opt out. Once, it is a state of doubt. All things would flow obscure and lifeless. Nothing would be tasteful nor regretful just once you reach the tip of the top and know that nothing can heal or happen to turn back the old water veins into its proper spots. Whatever, we soil and plant nothing would be of use to harvest. Silence and distance would lead the matter, turning pottery back to the old wooden shelves lonely and desperate. Can a pottery move, of course not but it could be in a state of destruction at any second. Just a selfish yet uncaring act would cause the shelf to fall down and become a valley of ashes. Then, and only then time won't take a step back to repair what has been already damaged. Reconsider the deeds before it is no longer a time to repair. 

Hajer  Zaoui 


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