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1 er 《Life Issues 》


[  ] Four classmates are sitting in a nearby coffee discussing  some family issues.
Diana :"  Amanda ! Have you heard about what happened  to our friend Silina , the poor girl was obliged to drop out school
Amanda:" yes , I heard about that , but until now I don't really know why she chose to do this even though she loves studying more than anyone else
in this school.
Amy:" I went to visit her yesterday , and I was really shocked because she has already started working.
Asma : do you want to say that she left school in order to work !!!!  Why for it ?
Amy :" her father doesn't believe so much in the future of education, we can say that he belongs to very old generations who believe that work would fulfill  all  aims.
Amanda :" she has got very high marks almost on all subjects and I believe  that she could be someone very valuable in the future.
Diana : maybe her family are poor and unable to get their necessities. Maybe they have their own spacial conditions that pushed them to take such a decision.
Asma: her father is almost a jobless man. He sometimes  works in constructions. He's the type of people who got used to free money and let me tell you that the same thing happened  to her older sister.
Amy:" her sister !!!!??
I think I know that story, the one who refused to leave school then ended by running away from their house?
Asma: yeah sadly 😥
Her name I think was Anna ? She was such a brilliant  students. All teachers loved her cleverness. However, after leaving their house , her brother managed to grab her back by force where a very wicked woman was waiting over there to take her.
Diana :" take her !!! Where !!! Are you serious about it ????
Amanda :" I heard about such things from my mother when I was very young.
Asma: the woman would take her to her house to make out of her a servant, and exploit her  till the girl grows up and starts to become aware that she has already lost everything  to rise her up.
Amy:" no diploma, not even a certificate. How hellish can a life be .
Diana:" I heard alot about this family in fact
.  The father used to beat his wife to death  and tie her with an iron wire. Until she died infected with her injures.
Amanda: oh my god !!!!! Seriously  😳😳😳😳
Asma : the girl after being forced to labour had a secret relationship  with the door keeper than ran away together  after her father refused to let her marry him.
Amy: how horrible is that to hear , are there still people like that in the world.
Diana : unfortunately yes and still alot like that, that is why we may help to change this by posting postures on social media.
Amy: yes that is right we can even put pictures on walls and in public places to help prevent parents from obliging their daughters to drop out of school and send them to work at a very young age


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