...... ...... The best investment a country can profit from is the investing in education. Education, has always been a highly profitable business. Because, in this way decision makers are building generations who are going to labour their country afterwards. Hence, governments in non developed countries like Tunisia should seriously look at this field deeper. For example, they should reconstruct old schools which are no longer appropriate for studying. In addition, they should implement more supervision within classrooms which will systematically obliged the students to be obedient and respectful. Also, it will push teachers to provide a well detailed course. For, alot of teachers nowadays stopped explaining the course as it should be. They just let pupils work on their own and then afford some time for correction. What is worthy to mention, is the national contests that should be backed again in the educational schedule. Because, it will encourage pupils to work even more harder and more seriously like the generations before. Here we may be able to generate a straight, literate yet well behaved population.
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