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 ..... Technology  is the investment  of scientific  knowledge  in practical  purposes in order to serve and facilitate  life for people.

...... From time ago, It  has been a tool used by mankind to see another yet a  totally different spot of the globe. That is to say,  it gave the chance for humans to step upon the moon. For example, after the end of the cold War which paved the way for the Russian American cooperation in the mission of  space discovery, dozens of missiles have been sent into space until now. These missiles now are controlling  the universe from above and here we can mention the GPS :  an abbreviation for the Global Placememt System. It  ,accurately,  provide anyone with unlimited  amount of information about any place in the world and specially how to go there. Moreover, technology  has literally made the universe a very tiny village. Through the invention of the means of transport and the high development  they reach now, people started to be able to move around the world easily and in short time. Here we may point at the Saudi's King who went to Paris just to get a lunch and then went back home.

..... However, technology  is also a double-sided coin. Because, it allowed people to invent  very destructive weapons that are capable of destroy the world in a wink of an eye. The nuclear bomb of Hiruchima which killed thousands if millions of innocent people and destroyed the land which no longer used for agriculture still has its effects on people and even on  earth itself. People can never forget what the nuclear weapons did in the past and what it could do in the coming years.
....... Therefore, no one can deny the blessings of technology in the human life, but what is worthier  is the way we choose to use it. For, it would be a heaven on earth but also it could be a hell . Everything ups to us  whether  to live or to suffer. 


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