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 .....   last year, my father build a house for my older brother as preparation for his marriage. Therefore, we quickly started the Construction by firstly getting the necessary things that we will surely need. The work took almost three months to be finished ,but it was the most amazing period that we lived together. That period taught us what unity and dependency really means. For, from the very beginning of the work almost all our next door neighbours had been in our house helping us from dawn to sunset. This, gives the bricks to the construction  team , the other brings the sand in wheelbarrows and places it in the middle of the garden,  another neighbour who was a bit old but seemed active and strong,  was mixing cement,  filling it in pails and handle them to the bricklayers. 

All the neighbours were extremely united and concerned about finishing the construction  as soon as possible. What is more important  is that they refused to take any pennies . How wonderful  is to have helpful  and kind neighbours like ours. 


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