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Drawbacks of Internet

 .... Internet has  greatly facilitated the human life and specially when it comes to connecting  him into the world. 

...... However,  it may sometimes be a double edged sword. In other words, the misuse of Internet can lead to very bad results. For example, spending long hours in front of the computer screan would push people to be unconsciously detached from the outer world around. That is to say,  that he or she will gradually, be isolated from his family and relatives. Moreover, placing our personal data would surely put us in serious trouble, because  this would easily give the chance to hackers to use these data negatively  in order to bully others or do evil things under our names. For example , according to the BBC News Channel , last year in American a teenager attempted  suicide because someone has stolen her personal data,  fabricated  them badly, then shared them on her site, creating a huge mess in her and among her family . 

..... Internet is a double_faced coin . Therefore, we must be as careful as we can be when it comes to using it.  


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