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Child labour

...... Building countries needs alot of physical  and financial  efforts. Therefore, many countries around the world saw children  an additional  force that would help greatly in developing  their economy and prosperity. 

...... child labour is the act of forcing children to do adults jobs. Because, their age does not allow them to be the decision maker and taker of themselves. Therefore, they represente the big portion in building economy, specially in the years before and after the world wars. For example,  Britain, France and numerous countries in the European continent used them to work in various fields and  factories.  As a result, they were prevented  from living their life as it should be. Those little creatures who would cry if they get even a small mosquito  bite, were spending long hours working between giant machines with no rest, no right and even with no mercy. Moreover, they were savagely exploited because they represented the cheapest workers just because they were children and ofcourse were not capable of defending their own rights. Sadly, this phenomenon , still exists in some countries where children  leave their schools to work. Some are pushed by their families' poor conditions  specially in the absence of fathers and some of them are forced to do so . And here we can point at Egypt , where a great number of children  work instead of going to school. 


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