.... Blood is the liquid by which almost all body organs functions. The heart pumps from five to ten litres of blood per second. This amount leads its journey in the body going out from the heart to the lungs then back to the heart, and then going out from the heart one more time , running into every single vein in the whole body then goes back again to the heart. This operation is the core function that keeps the whole body fit and healthy.
...... Therefore, blood is extremely valuable for the human life ❤ and donating it represents the single solution to rescue millions if not thousands of people who have lost it in different situations like accidents. Further,donating blood allows the heart to get more space to pump more and more blood per second. Therefore, people who are afraid that they would cause a reduction of blood in their body which they believe systematically cause numerous illness , should not think of this at all. Blood naturally renews itself , and hence compensate the lost amount quickly either. Thanks to the eminent architecture of our bodies.