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Being a Teacher





         What happened in France is some sort of ignominy where you find both parts faulty a teacher who directly attacked sanctity of others in the name of the freedom of expression, and an individual man attempted a heinous murder ended by slaughtering the teacher.  First, let’s define what it means a teacher:  is a person whose job is teaching (according to oxford dictionary). This is the superficial overview, lets now go beyond that and ask some random questions that anyone could ask:


1.       What is the major role of a teacher?

2.       How to be a good teacher?

3.       How for a teacher could fulfill the characteristics of a leader?


                 1) A teacher has a large number of roles that he/she either learns from the school curriculum (how to teach a specific input) or sometimes creates his/ her own only when they fit the goals of the classroom environment. However, nowadays the rules of a teacher changed greatly from the older ones. For, he/she was almost everything: a father a mother and the whole schooling institution: his/her rule was first to nurse and breed before the systematical function of teaching, and the school was literally a second mother. However, that rule shrunk and became too limited to just deliver the course, to make sure everyone understands the input, evaluates and gives feedback, though the traditional role is almost vanishing. Moreover, the traditional tableau of a teacher is no longer exist in schools and as such his / her value disappears and what remains in only a person, as we already define it,  whose job is JUST teaching. 

        2)  A good teacher must by law, traditions or instincts respect every single student he/ she teach. Here, we mean to respect:  his gender, his color, his religion, his language or whatever specific about that student. Hence, any trespass consciously or unconsciously to these rules would be marked as an infringement to personal freedom, and the freedom of speech limits everyone to a specific line. Therefore, a good teacher MUST nowadays limit himself /herself to the course: discuss only what is related to the course, ask questions about the course, evaluate and give feedback about what only comes into the course: no interventions in his students problems, life or whatsoever concerns his students only when they ask him to do so , and if so he or she must only try his or her best to treat the issue logically and never try to  apply his own strategies to achieve delivering it to everyone.   opinion. So, a good teacher nowadays must limit himself to his input and work on different

       3) Leading and being a leader has never been an easy task for no one. For a leader must at least carry specific characteristics as such :

·         Must be a heeder(listener)

·         Be wise and sage

·         Respects differences, and specially accepts different opinions

·         Owns the hearts of everyone, and everyone loves him

·         Someone honor, faithful, truthful and jovial

           Therefore, a leader is not a word to characterize anyone, and in the context of teaching  a teacher must be a mini leader in his mini real environment (classroom) for, he or she is holding a firm grip upon the real wealth of a country. Hence, as long as the role of the teacher changed radically, the aims and goals would change accordingly.

            Therefore, the French teacher is faulty and no one can deny this fact even those who defend the freedom of speech themselves. He made a great mistake and surpasses a sanctity of others which nowadays becomes too sensitive even to mention. By doing so he pushed himself to attract an individual religiously militant who felt jealous of his religion and his prophet. But what this individual attempted is totally wrong and even contradicts the Islamic laws in facing such violations and must not do such crime. For, there are other ways to be held account for his actions. Allah almighty said:“ be patient with what they say ,i.e.,  harm insult and mockery, and do not be afraid of their words, and do not refrain from their supplications, and abandon them in a beautiful desertion, that is do not confront them, and do not work with rewarding them, because in that he left supplication to god”.

              All things considered, being a teacher does not give you the right to violate others tenets or faith, his or her major rule is to teach and deliver a specific input. But generally, If someone wants to be respected he or she  must first afford that respect on real ground and show it so that he or she gets it back.   

  First, respect if you want to be respected: this is the modern life style for everyone, and not for teachers only.


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