........Nowadays, getting a job is some sort of financial independence specially for mothers. Therefore, they represent a solid pillar in the economic and production development.
........ On the one hand work is a necessity for mothers specially those who are living in poor conditions. That is to say, that when they work , they become able to get whatever they want without asking for money from no one . Additionally, they, be capable to share the responsibilities at home , such as giving a hand with children needs, the payment of rent water and electricity fees. Further , work may be an obligation for single mothers who must fully and solely be responsible for everything. More, for other mothers , work is a tool to prove their undependance, personality and specifically to have a value within the social sphere as a productive body.
....... On the other hand , working mothers are the most tired ones because they hold a numerous missions on their shoulders which must be fully fulfilled. Moreover, they most of the time fail to balance between work and house chores, because after a long tiresom working day , they have no more effort to do anything at home. And, this may result in many problems specifically with the husbands. Worse , it may lead to loosing control on children who would find themselves growing alone in the mixed school environment far away from their long time working parents, where they may start smoking, consuming drugs and other things .
Hence, work is a very useful tool helps reducing familial financial problems. However, being a working mother is a very hard mission that must be carefully taking into account.
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