....... having a step mother is in fact a double edged sword. On the one hand, some stepmothers are very evil and severe with their husbands' children . As a fact , a very famous story took a firm grip on all social media happened in Egypt talking about a step mother who forced her husband's daughter to leave school at the age of 8 and take care of the homework and the new born child . As a result , the little girl was burned and beaten to death just because she was unable anymore to handle the housework. On the other hand , some step mothers are even much better than the mothers themselves. So, here we can speak about the famous Bahrainian singer Hala Turk who left her mother to leave with her father and his new bride . Who she( Hala) most of the time pointed at as someone better than a friend for her .
........ Therefore , no one can deny the having a step mother may be a cradle or a grave .