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School Memories

 ....... Through my very short life I have carried an unlimited number of memories specially those that  are related to my school period . Some were sad and painful and others were beautiful and happy and all , now , taste good . Those days I spent among my teachers and friends are the most precious ever . For example , I remember clearly that first day when I went to school with my mother. And meet my Friend Arij for the first time. And I also remember crying hard when the teacher gold me to sit next to a boy for I thought it was something prohibited.  Moreover , I still miss those days when me and my friends run and laugh in the courtyard of the school happily . Those were the golden days in my life when I was ultimately innocent and know nothing except playing , singing and learning . For, the school ,literally , was a very warm refuge to which I escape . it was the place where I was very happy carrying a very clean soul full of nothing . How beautiful is childhood and how wonderful is school .


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