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Online shopping

 .....Shopping becomes a talents for a large number of people who spend hours and hours moving around stores to get their needs. Nowadays, With the development  of technology  , shopping  becomes the most easiest thing to do . For example,  people started to shop online and get whatever  they need from around the world  without moving a finger. Add to, shopping sites provid not only an extremely large amount of different items and utilities  but also with  cheaper prices and sometimes with  free-shipping services which made it even better.

........ However, every coin has two sides and as it ( shopping online ) has pros( advantages) it also has its negative  side . For example, the biggest problem in shopping  online is fraud which is the fact of ordering something and getting another thing totally different . This, made people afraid of getting things online. Additionally,  the problem  of delay in delivering.  That is to say, that some things may take even months to reach to their owners and therefore, made them feel bored and unsatisfied of the service. What is worst  is that costumers are not  able to touch or physically  view their products only after paying the bills.

   ...  Therefore, online shoppers must be careful whenever they want to get things online . They should be selective and choose a specific sites with good services such as Amazon. 


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