...... Jamil was a very famous Arabic poet in the ancient times . He wrote poems on diverse subjects but the most famous ones were about his beloved Bouthaina. They belonged to the same tribe where , single male and female, at that time, were not allowed to meet or to speak . But , Jamil fell profoundly for her. He was following her whenever she steps out of their house until she returns home . Bouthaina had started to become a central intention for the poet. Hence, he mentioned her almost in every single poem he wrote that were read by almost all the people who live there . Therefore, his love story had spread very fast . For, whenever he meets her , secretly, he speaks about the meeting in a very accurate style until the girl's parents knew about it . Then , they prevented the girl from living home and meeting him anymore , but one night she secretly sneaked out to meet him when she warned him about the matter and told him to stop mentioning her in his poems . However , he wrote another poem about that meeting and was read، and the news was spread all over again . As a result , Bouthaina's father forced her to marry her cousin's son and prevented her to leave the house for any reason before the marriage , and Jamil lived for some more years lonely and desperate then died alone in the desert . This very Virgin love story was the most yet beautiful one that the Arabic literary and historical world visualised. A full love story encapsulated into codified poems .
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