.....Blood plays an important role in the functioning of the body. Because, it doesn't only supply it with the necessary nutritious elements such as minerals( salt and sugar ) and oxygen، but it is also the main liquid that keeps our body in continuity. Therefore, to keep it fit and healthy we should eat alot of healthy food such as meat, milk , eggs, fruits and vegetables. Moreover, we must keep it hydrated . That is, we have to drink a lot of water everyday. We also should consume alot of citrius fruits( القوارص) like orange and lemon juice. More importantly, garlic plays a vital role in improving blood circulation in the veins. Because, it is not only associated with enhancing the immune system ( جهاز المناعة ) ، but it also decreases blood pressure. Hence, blood is the fuel for our whole body and without it we would be surely dead. So, protecting it from diseases is the major mission for any person globally.
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