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Empowering women

Why should we empower women?

…….. women play a dominant yet a vital role in society. Therefore, securing them equal treatment and opportunities with their opponents (males) have already been a worldly debate-able topic. 

……… Women are multifunctional assets. They are perfect house wives, mothers and even a very useful yet productive work force where they work longer hours than men with lower wages and in bad conditions. For example, manufacturing unites are most of the time full of women. However, they are always discriminated and abused whenever they desire to reach a male like positions. For example, a lot of Politicians in parliaments around the world are not fully heard, they are most of the time ignored and looked down by males.  In this aspect, we may mention the Tunisian politician Abir Mousy who was savagely and continually attacked by some male opponents like Saif Eddine Makhlouf. Additionally, a week later in Egypt a newly married bride was badly beaten in the street on her wedding day, and sadly no one moved a finger to save her. Worse, she was obliged to continue the ceremony and behave as if nothing happened in front of her family and the family of her husband. 

…...Hence, empowering women and giving them more eligibility should be universally recognized as their legitimate right   to live as equal and free as men  


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