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Effects of Smoking


..... Good and evil are two major pillars in life. Try to imagine a life without good or another one without evil . It would surely be boring and unsatisfactory to be lived . Hence, everyone on earth has his own problems in different shapes. Therefore, depending  upon harmful consumptions such as smoking would only make things worse .

...... Smoking for many people have been a refuge from life burdens. But for others, in  this regard we may hint at teenagers, who  considered it as a sign of youth and manhood even though with their intuitive knowledge  of its poisonous  effects on the human body . First, the gradual rising of nicotine level in blood may block its movement  in the veins , which would slowly cause hazardous diseases such as heart strokes and sudden attacks. Moreover,  smokers aspirate a lot of smog into their lungs that is why a big number  of people are suffering  from lung cancer . That smoke would be then transported  to the mind and here they not only effect the lungs but also  the veins that are going to do the transportation mission  and the brain that would step by step be addicted.
Worse, smokers  do not only harm themselves but all the people who get close to them.
   ...... Therefore, smoking has been always considered  as a lesion and even tobacco manufacturing units write * smoking kills* on cigarettes packs. So, smokers  should think of give up smoking before it ends their life and the life of all their beloved ones.  


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