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Showing posts from April, 2022

It was all about

  ***  It was a very ill Grey and sad afternoon. I walked home lonely ,desperate  but more specifically  depressed.  I didn't tell no one but I didn't know why I felt so.  I reached the porch of our home and suddenly the door opened  in front of me . _Mum: finally you made it home son. _The boy: yes ,  here I'm.  Is there any problem  mum ? _Mum : well come in first, we will talk about it inside, your father has been waiting impatiently for you since midday. After hearing these words I felt like a sword made its way into my chest, and my heart has started beating as the beats of a drum. _Father: welcome back home dear !!! ( he said it in a  very annoying yet depressed manner)  sit down. Today we will have a man to man conversation . But first let me show you this document and I really want an explanation  to  this. _ The boy( gazing deeply and sadly into the paper unable to hold back his falling tears) dad , I was about .... _Father: well son , I think you were about